Day 1
Lean Six Sigma introduction
- Lean principles
- Hidden factory
- 8 wastes (TIM WOOD)
- What is Six Sigma?
- Cost of Poor Quality
- Problem Solving vs DMAIC
Problem Solving
- Introduction to problem solving
- Team approach
- 8 Step model
- Define the problem
- Interim actions
- Collect and analyse data
- Determine the root cause
- Evaluate possible solutions
- Action Plan and Implement
- Verify Results
- Standardise and Future Actions
Seven Basic Tools
- Check sheet
- Control chart
- Pareto Chart
- Histogram
- Cause & Effect Diagram
- Scatter Diagram
- Flow Chart
Project Selection and Definition
- Problem statement
- Project Goal
- Customers and stakeholders
- Baseline and Target Metrics
- Projected Benefits
- Top-Level timing plan
- Practical Problem Solver
DMAIC for manufacturing
- Introduction to all steps
- Tools and techniques
- Introduction to Project Charters
Day 2
SIPOC (map the process)
- Customers & Requirements
- Suppliers & Inputs
Customer Focus
- Requirements
- Kano Model
- Affinity Diagram
- CTQ Tree Diagram
Value Stream Mapping
- Mapping guidelines
- Flow charts
- Swim lane diagram
- Application in Six Sigma
- FMEA Roadmap
- Implementation
Mistake proofing
- Human error
- Types of errors
- Poka Yoke
- Techniques
Workplace Organisation
- 5S
- Visual Management
- Techniques
- “Just do it”
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
- Five elements of TPM
- Implementation
Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)
- Implementation steps